Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Ingredients for Great Compositions

Is there a journey in the composition the ensemble has created thus far for Lavinia? Is there room to explore the ingredient of 'extreme chaos' and 'extreme calm' in the composition as it stands?

It has been said that we as an ensemble encompass the earthly element of 'WATER' in our presence and creation of Lavinia. How can we incorporate this element in the character of Lavinia...what viewpoints can we explore in order to do this....

VIEW POINTS:- spatial relationships, shape, architecture, tempo, reptition, gesture, kinaesthetic response

Comment in order to explore your understanding of how our ensemble may explore the composition of such an 'Lavinia'


tanni said...

i have an idea to represent water... we could wear pale blue 'flowing' costumes instead of white.... just a thought =D

SaintWolfE said...

Extreme Chaos and Calm were both elements of the performance. "Tell tale" in both portions of its illustration and depiction, one the scene where we frantically run around the room and get caught by Jake and the other when Lavinia is showing Titus what has happened though script in a book and writing with her stumps and feet, demonstrates the Chaos. The lullaby symbolizes the calm side of the production. Soothing a child with a promise spoken with tender lips, until sleep brings them to peace. There is nothing calmer than such a tender offering.

Rachelle incorporates the flowing water feeling into her movement as Lavinia, although more could have been drawn upon to further emphasise this. Such may have been a dance-like choreography which involved Lavinia being drowned in her sorrow.

In response to the suggestions, spatial relationships, shape, architecture, tempo, repetition, gesture, and kinaesthetic response which may have been exploited to characterize water, all of the following could have been made to look more like the actress/actor is suspended in water.