Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Demetrius speaks love - Aaron speaks hate

Aaron says the following just after Tamora's son Demetrius has professed his love for Lavinia:-

She is a woman, therefore may be wooed;
She is a woman, therefore may be won;
She is Lavinia, therefore must be loved.

...My Lords, asolemn hunting is in hand;
...The forest walks are wide and spacious,
And many unfrequented plots there are,
Fitted by kind for rape and villainy.
...There speak and strike, brave boys, and take your turns;
There serve your lust, shadowed from heaven's eye,
And revel in Lavinia's treasury.

Act II Sc 1 Lines 90 - 130

Such loving words from Tamora's son....or are they? Then to such evil and vile words from the mouth of a Moor, who is to survive the deaths of those he surrounds himself with. Do we as an ensemble need to further explore the physicality of the brutality committed against Lavinia by those who loved to hate her? How could this be explored?

1 comment:

SaintWolfE said...

I think we do need to include a little more of the brutality of the rape, but i fear it is too late now. We perhaps could have had a group that set upon lavinia at laura's command just after the scene where Kristen and Rachelle were hunted. We could have shut off the lights and the lavinia or lavinia's scream. Laura could also have repeated the lines 'let them satisfy their lust on thee'.