Monday, August 4, 2008

Script Details

Now you have evaluated....

You need to get the script bits together. You can do this in groups. Start with the group you worked with in your first scene. Detail it with all entrances (for all characters), include all lines of dialogue and interactions, describe where and how actors move in the space, and how you exit or make a transition into the next scene.To make this speedy, you could decide as a class who will write up (and assist in the contributions) each scene, so all 5 scenes (So Rheane has her script typed...she might lend it to us to add to as a group!!) are completed for me by the end of today's lesson. As some of you are away I would like this completed by Tuesdays lesson next week so we can begin our next unit!!! Yey!! :-)


roo said...

At top of stair case
People at back: long live Lord Titus
Rheane: Long live lord Titus. My beloved father, Gracious Triumpher in the ryes of Rome!
In Peace and honour live lord Titus long, my noble lord and father, live in fame. Lo at this tomb my tributary tears ii render fir my brethrens obsequies.
(turn to back and kneel)
And at thy feet, I kneel with tears of joy. Shed on this earth for thy return to Rome. O bless me here with thy victorious hand (Raise Hand) Whose fortunes Rome’s Best citizens applaud.
(Stand, walk down stairs)
Long live Lord Titus. My beloved father, Gracious Triumpher in the ryes of Rome! Long live Lord Titus. My beloved father, Gracious Triumpher in the ryes of Rome!
(Turn around in 360 turn. Whilst facing away from audience, place blood capsule in mouth, when facing audience spit blood)
Amber and lisa say lines]

(Extract 4)
Tam: But when ye have the honey ye desire, let not this wasp outlive us both to sting.
Rhiannon: (pleading) O Tamora, though barest a woman’s face.
Tam: I will not hear her speak. Away with her!
Kristen: Sweet lords, entreat her, hear me but a word.
Rheane: When did the tigers young ones teach the dam? O, do not learn her wroth. She taught it the. The milk thou suckd’st from her did turn to marble, even at thy teat though hast thy tearany. Yet every mother breeds not sons alike; do thou entreat her show a woman’s pity.
Tam: I know not what this means; away with her!
Lavinia: O let me teach thee for my father’s sake, that gave thee life when he might have slain thee.
Lavinia: O Tamora be called a gentle queen, and with thine own hands kill me in this place. For tis not like that I have begged so long. Poor I was slain when bassianus died.
Tam: What begs though then, fond woman? Let me go!
Lavonia: ‘tis present death I beg, and one thing more, that womanhood denies my tongue to tell.
All Lavinia’s: O keep me from their worse-than killing lust, and rumble me into some loathsome pit, where never mans eye may behold my body. Do this and be a charitable murderer.
Tam: so should I rob my sweet sons of their fee. No let them satisfy their lust on thee.
Jake: No Grace? No womanhood? Ah beastly creature, the blot and enemy, to our general name. Confusion fall.
Lavinia: No grace?
Lavinia: no womanhood?
Lavinia: Ah Beastly creature?
Lavinia: the blot and enemy.
Lavinia: To our General name.
Jake: Confusion Fall
Lavinia: No grace?
Lavinia: no womanhood?
Lavinia: Ah Beastly creature?
Lavinia: the blot and enemy.
Lavinia: To our General name.
Jake: Confusion Fall
Shh Scene!
Jake and Rachelle go to top of stairs. Ra facing audience, Jake facing back.
Rheane and Amber: Titus prepare thy aged eyes to weep.
Rhi, Kristen and Tanita: Titus prepare thy aged eyes to weep.
Rheane and Amber: or if not so, thy noble heart to break
Rhi, Kristen and Tanita: or if not so, thy noble heart to break
Rheane and Amber: I Bring consuming sorrow to thine age
Rhi, Kristen and Tanita: I Bring consuming sorrow to thine age
jake turns around, carries Ra down stairs, he places her at the bottom of the stairs and kneels with her.
Jake: Tis well Lavinia that thou hast no hands, for hands do Rome service but vain.
Jake walks to tower. People behind stage walk on one at a time whispering.
Amber: Fresh Tears
Kristen: Sood on her cheeks
Rheane: Honey dew
Rhiannon: Gathered lily
Tanita: Almost withered
Extract six
Tell tale scene

Rheane Maree Foster
.xx ♥

SaintWolfE said...

My Lines

(Bobbing down at the start of the play at the window)
Live Lord Titus long! (Climb out of the window once Lavina begins her lines)

(Once Lavinia/s has/have finished)
King Rome that hast thus lovingly reserved,
The cordial of mine age to glad my heart
Lavinia Live, Out live thy father’s days
A fates eternal date, for virtues praise

(Wait until Lavinia has finished her piece and is making her way to the stand, and move there with snake like actions)

(Climb on stand and wait until Tamora has spoken her piece)
Oh Tamora, Thou bearest a woman’s face.

(wait again for other actors to speak their lines,)
Tis present death I beg, And one thing more.
That womanhood denies my tongue to tell

(Together) Oh, keep me from their worst than killing lust,
And tumble me into some loathsome pit,
Where never a man’s eye may behold my body.
Do this, and be a charitable murderer.

(No grace ect. Lines. Wait until second repetition and after, the blott and enemy)
To our General name (repeat three times)

(once Tamora has finished her lines descend from pole,with snake like movement, and formed a v shaped flock/army, following Tamora’s actions. Disperse into the audience as if searching and then go back to form v. Fall down and die on signal. After a few seconds get up and start singing refined version of hush little baby.)
Hush little baby, Don’t you cry.
Daddy’s gonna sing you a lullaby.
And if that lullaby don’t sing.
Daddy’s gonna buy you a diamond ring.
And if the diamond ring don’t shine.
Daddy’s gonna hold you, Ittl-all be fine.

(As singing, move behind the curtains and begin to repeat lines in sinister voice)
Titus, prepare thy aged eyes to weep.
Or if not so, thy noble heart to break
I bring consuming sorry to thine age.

(Afterwards, move to side of curtain and wait for first three lines)
Almost withered.

(Move to position in front of boxes. Slump down when Titus has his hand taken. Stand straight when Tamora walks past and when lines I lift this hand to heaven are spoken move onto boxes)
To heaven (repeat 3 times)

(After first 2 lines) And with our sighs, breathe the welcome dim.

(Wait until lines melting bosoms and then run frantically around until Titus has stepped off last step, standing still. Wait until he comes up to and point to someone else, then join the pack that looks like it is hunting. Along with two others, chase last person behind the curtain. Someone screams, and exit curtain, chasing person, crying scarily. Follow them until they drop paper, and begin to paw through it with hands closed. Continue until music sequence begins, and once others have reached position get up and move into the audience, freaking them out. Go back to position and return to normal, crying and pawing through pages. Stand up when other character is picked up and move into ‘rape line’ whispering Chiron and Demetrius. Write rape with imaginary stick with closed hands. After group has finished begin humming hush little baby and move the chosen partner.)

Her hands, (take stumps)
Her tongue, (touch cheeks)
Her spotless chastely. (Hug)
What would you say if I should let you speak. (Look at holding hands)
Villains, for shame you could not beg for grace.

(Wait three seconds and then use choreographed movement to kill, and place down on ground. Wait until front Titus has finished humming and when back Titus has said, it is finished.)


tanni said...

Stand facing inwards towards Rachelle.

Rheane speaks.

Kneel with Rheane, then stand up and give her the wine glass.

Go back to facing Rachelle.

As Lisa and Amber say their lines, slither down the stairs in a snake like fashion.

Climb up the ‘tower’ and keep moving around like a snake.

Tanita: Beastly Creature (repeated 3 times, after Amber and Lisa say their lines as well)
Slither down off the ‘tower’ and go to the ‘V’ formation.

Go through the audience and hiss.

Go back to the ‘V’ and get killed by Tamora, after a short while get up and walk of stage singing a variation of ‘Hush Little Baby’.

Tanita, Kristen and Rhiannon: (Repeat these lines after Amber and Rheane in a hissing like voice). Titus, prepare thy aged eyes to weep, or if not so thy noble heart to break. I bring consuming sorrow to thine age.
Tanita: Gathered Lilly (say when walking back on stage).

Stand on the stairs at the bottom of ‘box construction’ facing Rheane.

When Rachelle pulls downs Laura, Rheane and I slump down, then as Rachelle walks back down the stairs Rheane and I slowly starts to rise.

When Laura speaks after Rachelle has walked away, go up to black box on the side of the tall box and repeat ‘to heaven’ after Laura has said it.

Rachelle speaks once more.

Tanita: If any powers pities wretched tears, to that I call.
Wait until Lisa says ‘Melting Bosom’ then run franticly around the area and wait until Jake steps down off the stairs and freeze, wait until he comes over and confronts you, then point to the next person (leaving Kristen til last). Then follow Jake, Rachelle and Laura, acting like wild dogs to the other people on stage until we get to Kristen, then when we get to Kristen, run after her, then go and stand on the second chair in on the grandstand and start moving in a creepy style.

Music comes on, keep moving freakily and wait for the ‘roarr’ in the song and then jump of the chair, and in a dancing style of freaky movements (including the buto mask) confront the audience, then after a while return to second chair in and move arms around, hugging them almost (like you have no hands).

Rheane, Kristen, Jake, Amber and Rhiannon on the floor in ‘book scene’.

Go in to ‘Rape Line’ .

After Rape line is finished, go up to approx middle of grandstand and wait for Rhiannon to arrive.

Killing scene

Rachelle sings ‘hush little baby’ .