Monday, August 4, 2008

Script Details

Now you have evaluated....

You need to get the script bits together. You can do this in groups. Start with the group you worked with in your first scene. Detail it with all entrances (for all characters), include all lines of dialogue and interactions, describe where and how actors move in the space, and how you exit or make a transition into the next scene.To make this speedy, you could decide as a class who will write up (and assist in the contributions) each scene, so all 5 scenes (So Rheane has her script typed...she might lend it to us to add to as a group!!) are completed for me by the end of today's lesson. As some of you are away I would like this completed by Tuesdays lesson next week so we can begin our next unit!!! Yey!! :-)

Performance Evaluation

Congratulations to all of you for a piece of extra-ordinary theatre last night!

Now we need to finalise all the documentation and marking. The first thing I want you all to do today is EVALUATE your OWN performance from last night. Be honest, but also be positive about yourself...maybe a friend can help you if you can't think.

Please do so in the following way:
1. Using a scale from 1 - 5 (5 being the best) rate your performance on the four core principals: Energy, focus, self awareness, group awareness.
2. How 'convincing' were you in the role/roles you played? Did you shape each role to its full extent?
3. How did you use your voice? Evaluate your volume and projection, the vocal tone or resonance, its appropriateness for the character and moment of the compostion, and clarity and articulation - were you clear?
4.How did you use yor physical skills? What did you do with your body that was 'extra-ordinary' for the audience? What risks did you take? How did you interact with the group and the audience?
5. What, if any, feedback did you get from your family/audience about your performance and the show in general.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Scripting the Compositions PART #1

This group will need to script the scene - describing all of the physical action that takes place - in sequence and the lines to be used and delivered in the correct sequence.

Opening - Live Lord Titus Long....

through to

The lines when Laura speaks on the tall tower.....everyone snaking down...

leave room to include lighting and sound effects.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Artistic Endeavour which encapsualtes Lavinia

It would be lovely...considering there are many budding artists within our ensemble to showcase this talent. As an idea for the 'foyer' area, or where our guests will enter..... each of you could draw, paint, sculpt, an image in which you think captures the essence of Lavinia in this composition....what do you think?....this would be seen as part of the 'forming' process for the assessment of this piece....

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Ingredients for Great Compositions

Is there a journey in the composition the ensemble has created thus far for Lavinia? Is there room to explore the ingredient of 'extreme chaos' and 'extreme calm' in the composition as it stands?

It has been said that we as an ensemble encompass the earthly element of 'WATER' in our presence and creation of Lavinia. How can we incorporate this element in the character of Lavinia...what viewpoints can we explore in order to do this....

VIEW POINTS:- spatial relationships, shape, architecture, tempo, reptition, gesture, kinaesthetic response

Comment in order to explore your understanding of how our ensemble may explore the composition of such an 'Lavinia'

Journal Entry Three - Extending the Compositions

Describe how the creation of the thematic pieces assisted in readying you for the text pieces. What skills did you use, and how have you modified these skills in your textual compositions? At this point, also describe the process you used to create the transitions between your 3 eyes open/eyes closed theme scenes... to make it run as one full scene. What difficulties did you experience here? How well did this full thematic scene run?

Journal Entry Two - Themes

Think back to the day that we worked on themes. They were 'Hunted', 'Silenced' and 'Telling Tales'. In this journal entry, descibe your group, the steps you went through to create your 3 eyes open / eyes closed scenes, how you used the space and if you can rememebr, what you personally contributed to the group. Also comment on the performance experience. How was it when you performed this way for the first time? What worked, what didn't?